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    News and Events: AST Consortium in the World

    Dr. Qammer H. Abbasi of the University of Glasgow Advances Next-Generation Wireless Communication with the AST Consortium

    The AST Consortium continues to attract leading experts in their fields, and the latest addition to their team is Qammer H. Abbasi, a distinguished professor from the University of Glasgow. As an invited guest of the AST Consortium, Dr. Abbasi is set to deliver a keynote speech at the upcoming International Annual Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT 2023) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. His expertise in wireless communication and his extensive research background make him a valuable asset in tackling pressing research problems and advancing collaboration between the AST Consortium and British educational institutions.
    Dr. Qammer H. Abbasi is a Professor in the James Watt School of Engineering at the University of Glasgow. With a distinguished career and a vast range of expertise, he has made significant contributions to the fields of electronics, nanoscale engineering, and quantum technologies. With more than 450 publications in leading international technical journals and conferences, including prestigious publications in the Nature Portfolio, Dr. Abbasi has demonstrated his expertise and thought leadership in the field. He has also authored 10 books, highlighting his deep understanding of the subject matter and his ability to disseminate knowledge effectively.
    These publications reflect Dr. Abbasi's diverse research interests and his ability to contribute to cutting-edge advancements in wireless communication, antenna design, RF sensing, biomedical applications, and related fields. With his extensive research experience, impressive publication record, and active involvement in the scientific community, Dr. Abbasi is considered a leading expert in wireless communication and has made significant contributions to advancing the field. His work continues to have a profound impact on various applications, including healthcare, 5G/6G wireless networks, smart cities, IoT, and beyond.
    Dr. Prof. Salikh Tashpulatov, Chairperson, notes: "The AST Consortium has been actively fostering collaborations with renowned British educational institutions, and the growing partnership with the University of Glasgow is no exception. The University of Glasgow is recognized as a leading institution in engineering research and innovation, making it an ideal partner for the AST Consortium's endeavors. With Dr. Abbasi's involvement, the possibilities for expanding cooperation between the AST Consortium and the University of Glasgow are numerous."
    Dr. Abbasi has received numerous recognitions for his research, underscoring the impact and significance of his work. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and a Senior Member of the IEEE. He actively contributes to the scientific community as a member of the technical program committees of several IEEE flagship conferences and as a reviewer for various funding bodies and more than 20 IEEE and top-notch journals. Dr. Abbasi has a substantial grant portfolio of over £7 million and has made significant contributions to the field of wireless communication and related areas. His research interests encompass a wide range of topics, including biomedical applications of terahertz, RF and antenna design for 5G and 6G, wearables and implants, AI-enabled RF sensing for healthcare, body-centric wireless communication issues, bio-electromagnetics, wireless body sensor networks, nano communication, and non-invasive healthcare solutions. Dr. Abbasi's talk at the ICCSIT 2023 conference will center around terahertz antenna design and reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RISs) to enable future 6G communication.
    The addition of Qammer H. Abbasi to the AST Consortium as an invited conference speaker demonstrates the consortium's commitment to attracting top experts in their fields. Dr. Abbasi's expertise in wireless communication, quantum technologies, and nanoscale engineering will undoubtedly contribute to tackling pressing research problems. Moreover, his affiliation with the University of Glasgow opens up avenues for collaboration between the AST Consortium and one of the leading British educational institutions. Through joint research projects, knowledge exchange, workshops, and student exchanges, the AST Consortium and the University of Glasgow can drive innovation and make significant advancements in the field of wireless communication and related areas. The future of wireless communication looks promising with experts like Dr. Abbasi leading the way.